A practical neuroscience approach to rewiring
your brain to be healthier and happier
Our brains have an in-built negativity bias: designed not to make us happy, but to help us survive. But by focusing on what’s wrong, and keeping us safe, it can lead us to feeling stressed, worried, fearful, sad… even though there are lots of positive things going on in our lives. In effect, the brain is like Velcro for negative experiences, but Teflon for positive ones.
What is gratitude?
“Gratitude is not just a social construct; it's a real neurobiological phenomenon that is powerful for bringing a deepened sense of well-being, connectedness and enhancing our relationship to self, others and all things.” ~ Dr. Andrew Huberman, Neuroscientist
Gratitude is a deliberate practice of focusing on, relishing and absorbing the good in our own and others' lives, instead of ruminating on the negatives. It is an affirmation of the goodness, gifts and benefits in our lives and the world.
What can gratitude give you?
Intentionally cultivating gratitude on a daily basis, activates the pro-social circuits in our brains which literally changes the wiring of the neural pathways, as well as a whole host of other benefits; increased happiness, stronger immune systems, improved sleep, better emotional regulation, enhanced self-esteem, increased empathy, better relationships, more productivity and increased resilience.
Gratitude is a self-transcendent emotion
— it lifts us out of the everyday and expands our perspective, which helps us get along with each other better.
But most gratitude practices (e.g. listing things you might be grateful for) are too simplistic and don’t actually lead to positive benefits or changes in brain circuitry.
Well referenced and grounded in science, this journal teaches the most potent gratitude practice, based on the latest neuroscientific research into gratitude.
It combines stimulating the autonomic nervous system into a state of calm alertness; enhancing the practice, storytelling; activating the pro-social circuits and taking in the good, which together create a neurochemical signature that releases dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin (the feel good chemicals). Its simple structured format is designed to rewire and tilt the brain towards the benefits associated with the pro-social circuits, enabling more effective interactions with ourselves and others, so that they become our default way of thinking.
This Journal makes developing an effective daily practice that will rewire your brain to be healthier and happier easy: making being grateful as natural as breathing.
What does this journal include?
An effective (and scientifically robust) daily gratitude practice designed to bring you a deepened sense of wellbeing, connectedness and enhanced relationship to self and others.
Weekly challenges to help you stay motivated, build resilience and remain calm in the face of adversity.
Inspirational prompts and reflections that draw on your body’s multiple intelligences (heart, head, gut, pelvis and autonomic nervous system) enabling deeper wisdom to emerge.
Beautiful illustrations and colouring pages to help you stay motivated and kick-start your creativity.
A way to document your growth and evolution over time.
Daily inspirational quotes and reflections.
A fun and unique way to make every day a gratitude-filled one!
Our Story
The Ultimate Gratitude Journal is the passion project of Sarah Carruthers and Suzanne Henwood who have successfully used gratitude to overcome the toughest periods of their lives.
They share what they have learned though evidence based research and personal experience to help others build resilience, improve overall wellbeing, deal with adversity and build strong relationships.
Below are some free tasters from
the journal to get you started
Rachel receives more than she could have ever dreamed of (page 25)
A teenager helps Clarence solve a real challenge
(page 26)
A stranger touches people hearts when she helps out a blind boy (page 123)